When an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) is issued, its implications extend beyond restrictions on personal conduct. One significant impact is on firearms licenses. Here’s how ADVOs affect firearms access and what you need to be aware of.

Confiscation and Suspension

Under the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007, police are required to confiscate and suspend any firearms licenses when a provisional ADVO is issued. This measure is taken to prevent any potential threats or further violence.

Issuance of Notices

When a police officer issues a provisional ADVO, they will also issue a notice suspending the firearms license. This means you must surrender any firearms in your possession and the license itself.

Final ADVO Implications

If a final ADVO is issued, it results in a ten-year disqualification from holding a firearms license. This disqualification aims to prevent any future risks associated with firearms and ensure the ongoing safety of the protected person.

Legal Consequences

Failing to comply with the firearm suspension can lead to legal repercussions, including further criminal charges. It’s essential to adhere to all requirements related to firearms when an ADVO is in place.

Reinstatement of Licenses

After the period of disqualification ends, reinstatement of a firearms license is subject to legal processes and requirements. It’s crucial to understand the conditions and follow the necessary steps to apply for a new license if eligible.

If you are facing an AVO and have questions about your firearm ownership, don’t wait to get the help you need.

Contact New South Lawyers today. We can provide you with the legal support required to navigate this challenging situation and ensure you remain compliant with all regulations.