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Ask a Family Lawyer in Confidence.

    Transform your setback into a comeback. Take charge, control, and care of the things that matter most to you when it comes to family law.

    Just because you can do it alone, doesn’t mean you have to. Let's fix this divorce and give you back the life you love.

    Do what’s best for your family

    We understand that divorce may be the biggest battle of your life. However, if you bring your fighting spirit, we will support you with all the legal advice you need on the way through your battle.

    For over a decade, New South Lawyers has helped thousands of people just like you reclaim their lives after divorce. As award-winning experts, we understand the realities of a legal system that can sometimes feel stacked against you, and will work with you to ensure you walk away with what is rightfully yours.

    Protect your financial future with family law

    Whether you have experienced infidelity, or you simply don't see things from the same perspective anymore, we understand that life happens. But we refuse to let a relationship breakdown break your spirit. You are not a victim. You are a leader. And, with the team at New South Lawyers in your coaching corner, you can stay in the game after divorce.

    Our priority is you. We understand your fear about finances, family, and the future - and are here to assist you in fixing this situation. Let us guide you through the roadblocks that are stopping you from moving forward.

    Family Law Family Lawyers Parramatta

    Now is the time to take your power back.

    You want the best for your family without sacrificing the happiness you've spent years nurturing. You know you deserve better. And we know how to win. Like everything you've done, you've given it 100%. And you wouldn’t devote anything less to this battle. That's where New South Lawyers can help fight your side of things.

    At New South Lawyers our strategic plan will guide you through the storm. We use the best legal tactics to tackle your troubles head on. Whether it’s worries about protecting your hard-earned assets, splitting the family home or child support and custody we will do everything in our power to ensure you lose little of what you have worked so hard for.

    Do divorce onyour terms

    Our experienced Family lawyers are essential to help ensure you achieve the best possible outcome. New South Lawyers can guide you through every step of the divorce and settlement, so you can achieve an actionable result and receive what is rightfully owed to you in the easiest way possible - while avoiding court proceedings.

    You've solved everything you put your mind to, and your divorce doesn’t need to be any different. New South Lawyers' approach is simple and stress-free to help you finalise proceedings faster. So, make the first step, and meet our experienced lawyers to discuss the possibilities and make the movement to a brighter future today.

    What we do:

    Our Family Lawyers can help you apply for, calculate and challenge child support payments should the administrative assessment be considered unfair when dealing with a divorce. Enquire in confidence.

    Whether you are paying, or receiving, we can support you through the process of spousal or de facto maintenance. (That is, the financial support paid by a party to a marriage to their former husband,wife or de facto in circumstances where they are unable to adequately support themselves). If you have questions about whether you qualify, we can answer them.

    If you are being denied access to your child without a formal order, our Family Lawyers can ensure that this privilege is preserved when dealing with a divorce. You have rights. Find out yours

    It is generally compulsory under Australian family law for separated parents to attempt Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) before applying to a family law court for parenting orders. The main objective of FDR is to help participants come to their own agreements. We can help with this.

    New South Lawyers’ Family Lawyers will work with parents and guardians to help them come up with arrangements that are in the best interests of the children, during the separation process. Are your rights protected? Reach out to find out.

    We represent individuals charged with domestic violence, and also handle cases for victims of family violence. Contact us.

    A recovery order is an application you can make to the court in the event your child is taken from you by the other parent. Whether you require one or are challenging one, we can help. Reach out to learn more.

    At New South Lawyers, our team of experienced Family Lawyers can provide advice and assistance regarding prenuptial agreements. This ensures your financial entitlements are always maintained. Get help now.

    Australia is an equitable distribution country - meaning net wealth is not split evenly (i.e. 50/50) - following a divorce. To guide you through this process and ensure you justly receive your entitlements, speak to a member of our Family Law team today. Find out how we can help you.

    There are many considerations when you are going through a divorce or separation. New South Lawyers’ Family Law team can help provide you with the emotional, financial and legal support services you need. Enquire in confidence. 

    Ask us for advice.

    Our Family Lawyers are experienced in handling matters where concerns have been raised about the care and protection of a child or young person under the age of 18 years. We can represent you in the NSW Children's Court and ensure that court orders are made to adequately secure the safety, wellbeing and welfare of your children. Ask us for advice.

    Occasionally, Family Law disputes arise with parties in different countries and jurisdictions. In these instances, you may need the services of an experienced family lawyer to help you determine the correct laws that apply to a child protection case, and how this affects your entitlements to custody, access to a child and guardianship. You have rights. Find out yours.

    The Supreme Court of NSW has “inherent”, “protective” or “wardship” jurisdiction over children - known as parens patriae. This allows the court to take the best interest of the child into consideration and make orders for the protection of those who are unable to protect themselves. If you need advice on a parens patriae matter, we can help with this.

    Parents have a duty to ensure that their child is enrolled in, and attends, a government or registered non-government school or is registered for and receives appropriate homeschooling. If these obligations are not met, legal intervention may be required. If you are concerned that a child is not receiving a satisfactory education, we can help you apply to the Children's Court for an order that compels attendance. Reach out to find out.

    When it comes to the placement of children, adoption and guardianship are the most traditional options. However, as they are highly technical and complex processes under Australian Family Law (with the potential to have long-term effects on all parties involved), it is highly recommended that the services of experienced Family Lawyers are utilised. If you require support on matters of adoption or guardianship, contact us.

    The NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT), has the capacity to involve itself in matters made under the Children (Education and Care Services) National Law (NSW). This includes: suspending or cancelling a provider approval or service approval of child education care services and/or suspending or cancelling a supervisor certificate . If you need support in filing an application to review a decision to remove a child from an authorised carer, get help from our experienced Family Lawyers now.