An Interim Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) serves as a temporary solution while a court considers a case involving domestic violence or related issues. Here’s what you need to know about Interim ADVOs and their role in protecting individuals at risk.

What is an Interim ADVO?

An Interim ADVO is a temporary order issued by a court to provide immediate protection while the legal process is ongoing. It ensures that the protected person has some level of safety until a final decision is made.

Issuance and Enforcement

A Magistrate or an authorised officer, such as a registrar of the Local Court, can issue an interim ADVO. It can be granted with the consent of the parties involved or without admitting to the allegations. For the order to be enforceable, the recipient must be present in court when it is issued or be served with the order afterward.

Duration and Purpose

An interim ADVO remains in force until it is withdrawn, revoked, or replaced by a final ADVO. It serves as a protective measure to address immediate concerns while the court evaluates the evidence and decides on a final order.

Importance of Compliance

Just like provisional and final ADVOs, compliance with an interim ADVO is crucial. Breaching the order can lead to serious legal consequences, including arrest and criminal charges.

Legal Considerations

The court’s decision to issue an interim ADVO is based on the immediate need for protection. It provides a temporary safeguard while ensuring that the legal process is respected and thoroughly considered.

Understanding the interim ADVO’s role and implications is vital for anyone involved in such proceedings. Legal guidance can help ensure that your rights are protected and that you comply with the order’s conditions.

Contact New South Lawyers today. Get expert advice and support throughout the process. Your safety is paramount, and we’re here to help you secure it. Get in touch with us now to ensure you have the protection you need.