Coercive control is a form of domestic violence characterised by patterns of behaviour that aim to dominate, manipulate, and intimidate the victim, leading to their isolation and entrapment. Unlike physical violence, coercive control is often subtle and pervasive, making it harder to recognise and prove. This defines what is classed as coercive control, explores its implications under Australian Family Law, and the legal avenues available for victims seeking protection and justice.

What is classed as coercive control?

Coercive control involves a range of abusive behaviours designed to strip away the victim's autonomy and self-esteem. These behaviours may include:

Monitoring: Excessive surveillance of the victim's activities, communications, and movements.

Degradation: Humiliating and belittling the victim, often in front of others.

Threats: Intimidating the victim with threats of violence, harm to loved ones, or other severe consequences.

Control of Resources: Restricting access to finances, transportation, or other necessities.

Legal Recognition of Coercive Control in Australia

In addition to clearer definitions on what is classed as coercive control, in recent years, Australian law has increasingly recognised coercive control as a serious form of domestic violence. Legislative reforms aim to address these non-physical forms of abuse, providing stronger protection for victims. The Family Law Act, along with state and territory laws, includes provisions that specifically target coercive control, ensuring that this behaviour is taken into account in family law proceedings, including child custody and protection orders.

Steps to Take if You Are a Victim of Coercive Control

Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professional support services. Organisations like 1800RESPECT and Domestic Violence Resource Centres can provide crucial assistance.

Document Evidence: Keep a detailed record of incidents, including dates, descriptions, and any available evidence such as messages or recordings.

Legal Advice: Contact a family lawyer experienced in domestic violence cases. At New South Lawyers, we offer expert guidance to help you understand your rights and options under the law.

Protection Orders: Apply for a protection order through the Family Court or local magistrates' court to legally prevent the abuser from engaging in further harmful behaviours.

The Role of Family Lawyers in Coercive Control Cases

Handling cases of coercive control requires a deep understanding of both the legal framework and the psychological impact on victims. Our team at New South Lawyers is dedicated to providing comprehensive support, from navigating the complexities of the Family Law Act to advocating for your safety and well-being in court.

We understand the nuances of coercive control, gaslighting, and person with narcissistic personality disorder behaviours. Our approach prioritises your safety and the best interests of your children, ensuring that all aspects of the abuse are considered in legal proceedings. By choosing us, you gain a partner who is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for you and your family.

Coercive control is a pervasive and damaging form of domestic violence that demands serious attention and robust legal response. If you or someone you know is experiencing this form of abuse, it is crucial to seek help and take action. The legal system in Australia is evolving to better protect victims, and with the support of experienced family lawyers, you can navigate this challenging journey with confidence and assurance.

You need our help with domestic violence cases. Let our expert legal team guide you. Don't navigate this alone. The Family Law Act is complex, but we're here to simplify it for you. Our deep understanding of domestic violence laws and provisions means we can effectively handle cases involving coercive control, gaslighting, and person with narcissistic personality disorder behaviours.

We prioritise your safety and the best interests of your children. Trust our experience to get matters settled today. Start your journey with us, and we'll be there every step of the way.